Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus

When the presents are wrapped in paper and bows
And You don’t see Your name on any of those
And they’re carefully tucked under fake or dead trees
Help us all to remember to get on our knees
And thank You for giving us all the gifts
You wrapped them in fur and they just need a lift
To get back to the real trees, their forests and streams
Help our hearts to stay strong to follow these dreams
Let our hands be Your tool that help them survive
Help us know what to do to keep them alive
And know when we can’t, it was always Your plan
And You gave us the strength to do what we can
Please help us give You this as our gift every day of the year
And thank You Lord Jesus, for Your Angels so near

Psalm 91:11 (Amplified Bible)
For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another below zero day

Just getting colder and colder up here. Ice on top of snow and now more snow headed this way tonight. Perhaps it will be enough to make our wild ones actually get into their proper mode of hibernating and prevent early births.

After putting out a post to the LBA? Seems the coonies are doing this pretty much collectively everywhere and we are having record temperature lows not seen since 1990.

Reports have been coming in of babies frozen in the snow, pregnant raccoons already -- in December!! Things just not looking good for normal spring season. All you rehabbers be prepared for the neonates far earlier this coming spring.

Houston reporting distemper cases, Missouri reporting pregnant females, bears not in hibernation. As the old chief has stated, animals are beginning to prepare for a revolt that is due to come about. Mother Nature is not happy with what hoomans have done to her precious planet and may just take it upon herself to fix the problem -- the virus we call mankind.

Please -- if you haven't already started doing your part to help our Mother Earth? Please start now. Even a small step is better than none. Reuse, recycle, go green.

Monday, December 15, 2008

-15 in the Northwoods

Well. After all that snow it decided to rain. -15F with the wind chill today. Coondo locks, hasps, doors, everything frozen shut. But coonies all out and about. How strange is that? Coonies out in -15 in mid December? My poor babies all just a shakin asking mom what's going on here?

Unfortunately, since they aren't in torpor like they should have been for the past 6 weeks or so? They are going through 20lbs of dog food a day. Most expensive winter over I've ever run across.

Little Hercules muffin had his tail amputated. He still has a 4" nubbie and he looks absolutely adorable with it. Long haired kitten and just a little fluff of a tail. He's doing quite well and will be going home to his family for Christmas. What better gift could I give than to give him his own home and kids to love him? But alas. The time we've spent together? I fell in love and will cry when he goes home. But. If you love something give it freedom and the best you have to offer. I will be able to visit him so it'll be okay.

Little Bonzai is still just a little mama's boy. Would rather mama cuddle him than eat. Kind of concerns me though. His sibs are twice his size [but he rules the Coondo -- go figger]. Today they are all just shivering. One day we will have an inside space for the Coondos so they can go inside if they want to. But that's down the road a ways.

Keep warm and be safe.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

early a.m. in the Northwoods

Snow's still falling, schools are getting cancelled [but not here yet]. Temps have been down in the single digits for days. The main water pipes broke in the Village a few days ago. We didn't have any water off and on for 3 days. Had it back on overnight at least.

From having no snow late in the year to it snowing every day is quite a rude change. Coonies finally decided to stay all tucked in the cubbies in their hay and fall into torpor until the weather warms up a bit. Particularly watching little Bonzai this year. He is pretty small and wants mama instead of sleeping with the littermates. He was just a shiverin up a storm calling mama to come love him ... so I did and then he went to cubby up with the others.

No water in this deep freeze. They must eat snow or ice for liquids -- it freezes too fast and they wouldn't be finding any pools of water on the Big Adventure right now. Any wet on their paws and they'd be sticking to the chain link and hardware cloth harming their foot pads. And if coonies see water? Automatic get in it and get all four paws wet time.

OK days'a wastin and much to do....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The beautiful Western Painted turtle that came in last summer all spray painted red and full of hot tar has lost the last scute with red on it today. It's taken her many months to grow enough that she shed her scutes and relieved her shell of all the paint. I saved all of the scutes as they came off one by one. And now she looks like a turtle. Her head is almost healed and perhaps this spring we can find her a nice pond in the forest far away from those who would do her harm so she can live a long life and prosper.

I have been getting rave reviews about Diary of a Coonie. Good news is, I may have found the little red schoolhouse that was the hold up for the soft cover version so that should be available very soon. Thanks to those who purchased the story, it is feeding the coonies today.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Diary of a Coonie

I'm happy to announce that Diary of a Coonie is finally finished and available for immediate download. Still working on the cover for the soft cover book, but you can download the pdf version of it now.

It's the story of Dory & the Orphans from the perspective of one of the orphans, Little Mini

All proceeds from sales will feed the orphans at the orphanage.

Rave reviews have been coming in about this story written so a child can read it and enjoy the pictures and entertaining enough that adults are passing it on to their friends to read.

Mr. Henry Zecher Author of: The Masque of Sherlock Holmes, The Extraordinary Life of William Gillette said "It is delightful! I could not put it down until I finished it."

"Meltcat" after watching the youtube video Dory & the Orphans Christmas song has said

"Oh, Matzo,
That was just precious. And I felt like I knew each one of them personally, just from reading your book, 'Diary of a Coonie'.
Thank you for what you do for all those critters that cross your path.
Cat "

Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Addition

This morning around midnite, I got a call. My daughter was on her way to the hospital. It appears my grandson decided to come meet grandma a little early this morning. Her water broke and she had to get to the hospital for her C-section ahead of schedule. He is #8 grandchild in the family.

Short and sweet today as grandma is going to have her hands full with the other 7 while mom & dad are welcoming their little brother into our beautiful Mother Earth.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day to Give Thanks

Well. It's here again! My favorite holiday of the year! The day I give thanks for everything in my life. The good, the bad and the ugly. Why? Because it all pulls together to make life a perfect circle.

I am thankful for the LBA. The marvelous wonderful hoomans who rescue both the wild ones and the citizens afraid to have them. Those who remain always in the background, under cover, waiting for the next contact to jump in and save the day. Those wonderful marvelous caring hoomans whom I would be ever so lost without.

I'm thankful for life itself and the opportunity to serve those who need. Einstein once said we do not begin to live until we serve others.

Here at the orphanage we will be having our annual give thanks feast. To be able to provide this meal shows me that there is nothing lacking at the orphanage. Food, shelter, comfort and peace for all who reside here.

Every one please remember to tell others what you are thankful for today. But don't just do that once a year. Every day you are given that you don't wake up and find yourself dead is a gift.

Be safe today. And PLEASE -- don't drink and drive.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


May came and so did a call to come rescue a little fawn. Well. With the price of gas and being laid off I couldn't drive 75 miles one way unfortunately. They got quite upset with me yelling I get paid good money to do this. Didn't matter what I tried to explain, they seemed to think I make a hefty income rescuing these wild ones. Fact is, I pay good money to do it. Call it a hobby if you think I'm nuts for working my butt off for no monetary advancement. I do get paid though. The unconditional love and trust of a wild animal can't be bought with money.

Just so happened another vet tech was in the area and brought me the fawn. The people wouldn't give it up at first. Why I don't know. They had three different stories of where he was found so I could only assume he had been kidnapped while waiting for mother to return from feeding.

He was stabilized and taken to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary where they had just gotten in another fawn his age. On the way down I got my first ever driving ticket. I didn't pull into the left lane when there was a state patrol sitting on the shoulder. $160.00 ticket. Oh well. The fawn was safe.

Please people .... if you see a fawn all by itself laying down and mother is nowhere to be seen? Just leave it there. Stay away from it, fawns become humanized in less than one minute of seeing you. Mother is eating so she can produce milk to feed her fawn. Those that come into rehab? They learn to love humans and that's not good at hunting season. If you see it alone in the same spot and getting weak for several days? Yes. Call a rehabber, call a vet, call the DNR, but don't take it away.

Friday, November 21, 2008

sometime in mid-June

Mid June brought a few difficult cases. The arrival of Eliza and Bethanne was heartbreaking. Such tiny dehydrated little creatures. They had such pleading looks in those little sunken eyes. Their little bodies had lain in the elements for a day too long. It was difficult for them to move and they were covered with parasites. Their siblings had crossed over the night before.

The story I was told on their intake came from an outraged vet tech. She'd heard about some kids killing a mother raccoon, injuring the babies and leaving them lay in the woods. She found where they were and brought them to the orphanage. She got supplies for those girls, came back the next day with syringes and needles. She helped subQ when they arrived. She was a blessing.

Treatment rid them of their parasites. SubQ fluids eased their suffering. They tried to fight the senseless abuse, starvation and dehydration off. But it just wasn't to be. Their hides had become thick and stiff like tanned leather, much like a thick leather belt feels. Imagine trying to move in skin so badly abused having been tanned alive like that. Their eyes were sunken in so it was as if little black holes in space were trying to focus at the world once again. Eliza gave up to cross rainbow bridge and left Bethanne behind for a few days. They were buried next to each other and each given their own purple pansy plant to mark their fleeting existence.

We need to teach kids that it is NOT fun to harm wild animals. It is NOT okay. It is wrong and it is against Mother Nature. Please! Teach your kids and grandkids to be kind. That animals really do have feelings and families too. Good citizens? My heart is broken for the lack of knowledge your children have about our wild animals.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

and then there were three

Well. The president of the Wisconsin Wildlife Rehabber's Association caught wind of my trip to the sanctuary. It was a few days later she called and said they had a litter in and weren't even going to take them out of the kennel they arrived in, were bringing them right up to the orphanage. She said 'want to just work with them a few days and see if they integrate okay?' I said "you know full well you bring them up here you can kiss em goodbye -- they won't be sent back anywhere". She said "good, because I'm already on my way". lol. So. About forty five minutes later the triplets arrived. Gorgeous little 6 week old girls. From a barn in Algoma. Still too little for Lil Dood though. He'd have chewed em up and spit em out. He had anger issues resulting from his ordeal.

By now Lil Dood had adopted Kamir [my guard dog]. Kamir fell madly in love with the Lil Dood, which was odd as she doesn't really want to play with any other critter around here. But her and the Lil Dood were pretty much inseparable. They absolutely adored each other. Kamir doesn't allow anybody else to enter her kennel. But the Lil Dood had full carte blanche from her. She even allowed Lil Dood to eat her dog food when he felt like it.

the season continued:

Shabot and Hiway were quite content to be the only coonies at the orphanage. They didn't move in to the big coondo though. Hiway was okay with it for about three whole minutes but then started pacing like a basket case to get back to her mini-coondo. So I accomodated her.

The Lil Dood was the first intake to arrive. His chariot was the game warden's sports van. He was in a kitten kennel with a plastic bag of powdered lamb formula. He was caked from head to toe with powder. No water. So of course, first thing I did was get that plastic bag out of there and let him out. The game warden jumped back a bit and said "it's going to get away!!" I looked at him on the back of the love seat and said "he's not going anywhere". He asked if I was going to be able to fix the Lil Dood's foot. It was cut in half from being trapped in a pile of wood and hauled into the back of a semi. He'd apparently spent several days in that truck and chewed himself loose. No front teeth left on the little guy. Told the game warden it was going to take me longer to get the formula off him than fix his foot.

Good thing is, it healed beautifully. He has nothing more than a pink spot in the middle of the pad.

After a few weeks, a fawn came in. I decided to take him down to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary as they had other fawns his age. Siblings or peers of same species are very important for wildlife. While at the Sanctuary I looked at their coonies to find a littermate for Lil Dood. Scruffing neonates, looking at em, and I heard 'oooooohhhh's and 'aaaahhhhh's. Turn and look over my shoulder and here's a big picture window of the visitors at the sanctuary watching. I felt like I was picking out a kitten or puppy, but realized I was probably the only one in the state picking out a litter of baby coonies at that moment. This calling has it's perks.

But alas. They were all too small for the Lil Dood. So he remained a single kit that day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Where to begin?

April was a busy season for the southern states [and as always, Ohio and NYC]. Nary a word about coonies in the Northwoods. No orphans. No injured. No road kill. It was as if they had been swooped out of the Northwoods. Ottowa Canada reported a huge litter -- ten in a single litter. Then the virus hit.

Several humane societies shut down due to this virus killing hundreds of dogs in days. It traveled from the western states to the coasts and down from Canada, eastern and western states simultaneously. Rehabbers began losing the intakes that had been in contact with those faciites. It was all very scary.

It is a matter of pride to be a member in "Coon Central" -- our Yahoo groups pulled together and got supplies to the rehabbers in need on an impressive scale. The LBA took on a life of it's own and many illegal raccoons were relocated to LBA members and all worked out quite well.

Email contacts to the orphanage went through the roof this year. Good thing there were no neonates early in the season because between 12-30 emails for rescues were arriving daily. I became exhausted and didn't even have to feed babies yet!!

This went on until I became concerned there really "weren't" any orphans up here this season. A break would have been awesome, but where were the wild animals other than all those getting this virus in all different states?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

19 degrees in the Northwoods

I've gotten several emails asking if everything was okay here at the wildlife orphanage.

Truth is, I must apologize!! I didn't know there were so many readers!!

It's been a very busy year here and for all rehabbers. We were hit with an unknown virus hitting the coonie populations from Ontario Canada to Florida and spread in between. Little ones succumbing to the virus within three days of onset. And now flu season is coming .... I wonder how many hoomans know coonies can catch the flu?

Dory & the Orphans Christmas video was featured on Waukesha Sewer Raccoon News a few weeks or months ago or something. This blog follows the lives of the coonies living in the sewers of Waukesha. And the owner David Dix is quite diverse in his posts.

There is much to tell if there are those listening. So I will get these fingers fired up and let you all in on the season's journey and get you up to date at the wildlife orphanage.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Tribute to Moms

For those of you who are great moms, those of you who plan to be great Moms and those who have great moms......

Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the Sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn't come out of shag Carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what the vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'Why me?' and get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child ' s growth is not measured by height or
Years or grade...It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mom to Mother...

The Images of Mother

My Mommy can do anything!

My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!

My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.

Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.

Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.

That old woman? She's way out of date!

Well, she might know a little bit about it.

Before we decide, let's get Mom ' s opinion.

Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?

Wish I could talk it over with Mom.

The beauty of a woman Is not in the clothes she wears, The figure that
She carries, Or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, Because that is the
Doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a
Woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, The passion that she shows,
And the beauty of a woman with passing years-only grows!

[Thanks for sending this Jim!]

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Love of a Rehabber

The Circle of Life, Reunited with Nature

You came to me young and afraid.
It was then that I prayed.
Help me with this tiny one.
Help him grow up big and strong.
And you grew with every day.
Round and round and round you'd play.
Then stop to look as if to say,
"Oh, momma, aren't I sweet?"
"May I have a little treat?"

When the day comes that we part,
my heart will pause then seem to stop.
I know how it will be.
You will run, then climb a tree.
This is great and meant to be…

So, why does this tear me up inside,
even though I'm full of pride?

"If I could talk, here's what I'd say.
Thank you for taking me in that day.
For feeding, cleaning and cuddling too,
when I was young and so brand new.
All to prepare for this one awesome day,
so I could be free and do as I may."

So, where do these tears come from?
This was a job that was well done.

"No need for you to cry too long,
for I'm great big, healthy and strong.
Can climb a tree and swim a stream.
From day one, this was my dream.
I'm so very, ready to roam.
Please trust I'll find myself a nice home."

Oh, why does this make me ache inside,
now that our goal is satisfied?

"It's ok, your work is done!
Now let me go to have my fun!
I'll be fine, no need to fret.
Miss me some, but don't forget,
when I was a babe you cared for me.
Now I have grown to be wild and free!
Reunited with nature, it's suppose to be,
for the circle of life, is now up to me."

He needed a rehabber's helping hand,
All grown up, but still my little man.
Forever and ever, born to be free,
reunited with nature, as was meant to be.
For the circle of life, is what he will see.

by Linda J. Sweeney
Wildlife Rehabilitator

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rabies Scam Press Release

Natural Resources rabies programme
scam uncovered by wildlife rehabilitators.

Deadly for wildlife!
Abusive of taxpayers dollars!
Puts human and wildlife health at risk!

Monday, February 14, 2005: For the last 4 years the Ministry of Natural Resources has persecuted wildlife rehabilitation organizations in Ontario allegedly to “…protect human health from the deadly disease of rabies” and the health of wildlife populations.

It makes no sense. Why would the Ministry attack a group of volunteers who rehabilitate orphaned and injured wildlife from their own funds and public donations? Why would the Ministry unfairly target rehabilitators who have the animals in their care immunized, seen by veterinarians, and released only at the optimal time? Why would the Ministry go after a group of dedicated people who will take in orphaned and injured wildlife from members of the public who find these animals, therefore assisting in the protection of human health?

Read more by clicking on the link above. Yes .... this is old news. Has anything changed? Has the rabies situation been addressed? Is mass panic of citizens in hysteria really necessary?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sunshine finally!

It's pretty balmy up here in the Northwoods. 36 degrees and sunny. Benjamin & Lillian are insisting it is Spring. They sooo want to go on their Big Adventure. Now if the snow will clear off the forest roads we can do that. They're pretty antsy pantsy on the CoonCam today.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Yup - the Northwoods is still here ...

An email came asking if all is okay and why hasn't the blog been blogged lately. Thanks so much for caring enough to ask 'chalson5472'.

With the extremes in weather, utility bills, mortgage and insurance payments all piling up, classes canceled due to the weather, it's taking all of my time to get ready for spring birthing. Many emails have come in for assistance in placing adult coonies not making it through the winter too well. And weather interfering again.

We are in need of financial funding asap or it's going to get ugly. lol. If anyone wants to send a few dollars visit Dory & the Orphans page toward the bottom for more info. [and thanks!]

I have been working on promoting the raccoon rescue almost non-stop for about six weeks. Currently assisting in this part of the quest is Hippie Surf, StartXChange and Royal Surf. If you have a website or affiliate link to promote, and need free traffic for surfing, visit those sites.

meanwhile...... remember ....
we are born free, now live to serve, we are the LBA, so mums the word

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hmmmm... Northwoods closed again this year?!

After watching close to a foot of snow fall since yesterday at daylight, it's quite peaceful outside. Pleasant at 20 degrees with no wind chill. Although there are some pretty deep drifts everywhere. The snow is higher than the tail lights on the GeeWiZ van. Don't think GWZ is going anywhere anytime soon -- or even today it looks like. lol.

Hiway & Shazbot have what appears to be 'peek holes'. They're out on the CoonCam this morning checking out the snowfall -- way on the right side of the screen. Not much snow got inside of their enclosure so they're pulling handfulls of it inside to them.

Not sure why but some people are getting still shots of the CoonCam and others seem to get the live feed fine. So I don't know how to resolve the problem. I get a still shot on the computers I've tried.

The Northwoods is indeed closed again today. So unusual for that to happen, and now it's twice just this year! Anybody want to tell me if my coonies called it spot on or if those ground hogs two weeks ago had a clue getting people's hopes up?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's Winter in Wisconsin

It's winter in Wisconsin
And the gentle breezes blow,
70 miles per hour at 52 below!
Oh, how I love Wisconsin
When the snow's up to your butt.
You take a breath of winter air
And your nose is frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful,
I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave Wisconsin,
'Cause I'm frozen to the ground.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Coonie's Ground Hog Day Prediction

Every year on Ground Hog's day, I observe the activity of the coonies out in the Coondo. Raccoon Orphanage has had coonies wintering over in the Coondos every February 2nd for -- well -- I don't remember how long. But I find their predictions far more accurate than any Punxatawney Phil, etc. And the coonies are telling me this morning that we're in for the long haul with more winter weather. Probably more than we bargain for because not a one of the orphans has poked so much as even a whisker out of the Coondo or mini-coondos this morning -- and it's nearly 11 a.m.

Best batton down those hatches because the worst is yet to come according to these Northwoods Furbutts.

Winnie Saves the Day!

I got this from a fellow rehabber {some of you may know Suz -- 'squirlwhirl'}. Had to share this with all of you.

Milwaukee wasn't going to have a groundhog day this year because "Walnut" the zoo's resident hog died. They had a Plan B, which consisted of sticking a taxidermed groundhog in the ground. Check out the photo of "Beverly" who was going to be used as a substitute...omigod, I can't believe they were going to use that thing! LOL. Only in Milwaukee...

So the Wildlife in Need Center here decided to offer their educational animal "Winnie" as a replacement to save the day. You can read about our sweet Winnie the hero and see a photo of the little princess in her "throne" at


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Northwoods is Closed Today

Yesterday around noon it started. The drizzle, rain, fog, mist and other fine bits of moisture coated the roads before the sleet, hail and snow started. By 3 p.m. the roads were solid black ice with a few inches of slush and snow covering it, and treacherous. The GeeWiZ van did a complete donut trying to turn the corner to get home at a crawl. Last night we got hit with just a little blizzard -- which is still beating us up pretty good at the moment. Windows are all pretty well iced over with that gorgeous delicate crystal patterns of ice. Right now it's -34 degrees with the wind chill. Looks like the Northwoods is closed today.

5:40 a.m. update:

Looking at the length of the school closings already this morning, it would appear the entire state of Wisconsin is closed, not just the Northwoods. lol.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Update on George

Those of you who have been wondering about George -- here is the latest news. He will be with a licensed wildlife rehabber within the next few weeks. Both parties have connected, all involved are quite anxious and excited, the transport distance is as minimal as possible, and it's just a matter of working out the details. No doubt you will be kept up on George's journey through life via video clips and youtube. I just love a happy ending.

'Ol George here has had quite an outpouring of emotions from heartstrings being pulled. It's awesome to know how many choices George had to go. Many diehard rehabbers have recognized in George some very special qualities. And honestly? I personally, would love to have George here at the Raccoon Orphanage. But that is not the best place for him. I thank all of you for your help and support, and understanding that George will be in the most incredible home that a coonie could ever want to live in forever. Those of you who want to know where will find out soon enough and I'm sure you know where to look. :^)

For those of you who don't know George's story go to

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Packer Game

Today is going to be interesting. We should get to see all the die hard Packer fans freezing their butts off at the game in thirty below weather. [In case you don't know, in weather like this, skin freezes within thirty seconds or less.] On the early morning news they report that the Green Bay police department is taking three hour shifts to make sure no Packer fans take their clothes off at the game and everyone is dressed appropriately for the weather. Seems me adults should already know this and why spend police dollars making sure idiots keep their clothes on in public because it's below zero weather? I say let the idiots that want to take their clothes off at the game just freeze to death. It would be rather quick and fairly painless if they have enough beer in em. If they don't have the brain to not go out and get half nekked in this weather then perhaps the gene pool could do without their genetic copies.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Deep Freeze

It got pretty doggone chilly up here in the Northwoods. I started doing laundry around 3 a.m. just to keep the pipes from freezing. It's currently -29 with the wind chill factor and dropping. I sure hope all the coonies here at the orphanage and in the forests stay warm. CoonCam is frozen over right now - too bad you can't see the awesome crystal shapes of the ice -- only the blur.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter at the Raccoon Orphanage

It snowed in the Northwoods -- finally. I mean it really snowed. Started early last night sometime and hasn't quit yet -- twenty four hours later. It's a very pleasant snow. Sparkly, glittery little floating entities slowly piling up everywhere. It looks like it's fragile little balancing pieces of glittering powder. I had to shovel an accumulation of about a foot off the top of Hiway & Shazbot's mini-coondo. The weatherman says we're in for sub-zero weather tomorrow and colder over the weekend. The kids got sent home from school today at lunch time. It's pretty rare to get a snow day in Coleman!

Lillian made a rare appearance - but if you watch the video you'll see she's very careful not to put her feet right in the snow. She spends some time eating a few icicles from the top of the Coondo perimeter though. But I think she's giving me a bit of a 'what ARE you doing' look when she sees me through the window moving the CoonCam trying to get her climbing antics.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Molly in Florida update

Here's little Molly in her new home. She has successfully been relocated with a licensed rehabber and is currently referred to as "snot snot" because she thinks she runs the place. Sound like any coonie you know? Sounds like a good one to call that Shazbot of mine. lol I have no words to express the gratitude I feel for both those citizens willing to find a good home for a coonie they tried to help and those rehabbers and qualified humans who are able to give them new proper homes or rehab capabilities.

{Don't you think those southern cousins are just the cutest little replicas of our Northwoods coonies?}

Spirit Dance Ranch

Winter Dressage Clinics with USDF Gold Medalist, Lois Heyerdahl (USEF Sr. Dressage Judge) Jan. 19th & 20th has been cancelled-due to the weather! For further info visit

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fresh Snowfall

After several days of what could only be considered spring weather, it is finally snowing in the Northwoods. We have approx. six inches of new snow since last night. The photo on the right is the CoonCam view this morning. Don't think any coonies will be venturing out any time soon today.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Winter Tornado?

Well. After the fog for several days turning into April rain showers, a tornado even managed to cause havoc in various areas. No damages that I've heard so far, but how odd to have this kind of weather in January!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Birthing Season is Soon!!

Yes. Even up here in the Northwoods, we're looking at mere weeks until babies arrive in the wild. Not only does this mean more sightings of wildlife looking for partners or birthing dens, it means rehab season is soon to be upon us.

A new page has been created for those who need help if they find wildlife they think needs help.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mid Winter Meltdown

Yup. You can hear the water dripping in little waterfalls outside already this morning. Sounds like a spring rain -- but it's just the snow and ice melting. Nearly 40 degrees and the sun isn't up yet. A 'normal' year we have icicles 6 feet long hanging everywhere.

Benjamin & Lillian were pretty rambunctious around 2 pm yesterday and if the weather holds, they probably will be today too. They rather enjoyed having water instead of ice to play with. There's a pretty good fog out there this morning though so the CoonCam may see that. When we get a meltdown like this, it causes steam to rise and make awesome fog cover.

Weather like this in early January is going to get a lot of furry critters out and about exploring and bouncing around. I even saw a patch of lawn yesterday!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

And Today a Heat Wave is on the way!!

Well. After surviving that bitter below zero weather, the coonies should be quite happy as it's supposed to be in the high 20's today and maybe 30's. Over the weekend it's supposed to hit the 40's and break record temps for the Northwoods this time of year. Heck - it's already 12 degrees this morning! Doesn't sound too warm to our southern friends, but that's nearly thirty degrees warmer than yesterday!

That's good & bad news for the Northwoods. {Good news to 'me' though - I can thaw out!!} Up here when we have a fast melt of several feet of snow {which we DON'T have this year up here ---- yet} the storm drains need to be cleared. Not as much so the water can drain as for when it refreezes. It blocks the drains when it refreezes. Then there's a flooding problem for the next fast melt.

I may just go out and get a tan this weekend if it's in the 40's. LOL. {That comment is for Mary in Florida. LOL}

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Brrrrrr ....

The weatherman says it's minus sixteen degrees outside this morning. Was hoping the Wild and Wonderful Wildlife group would be able to catch a glimpse of the coonies this morning, but I seriously doubt that will happen with this extreme cold snap.