These three raccoons were released today in the Northwoods. They are smaller than normal for this time of year to begin with {only 17 pounds}. Around the fourth of July, as you know if you've been following the blog, someone decided to throw poison of some type into the enclosure perimeters. 16 became seriously ill. It was buy them daily medication at over $36 per day or get a freezer to replace the defunct one. They got medication freezer can be on the wish list for a bit longer I guess. Some were too small to fight it. Some were not so small but it took them too. This will haunt me forever. Why would someone do such a horrible thing to such precious creatures? You can help by sending gently used items from our Wish List on Dory & the Orphans website -- many items you would probably throw away anyway. Your donations not only help the Raccoon Orphanage in the Northwoods, they help LBA members rehabbing in all the States and Canada.
You know? For the past nine weeks I have been taking care of everything by myself when it comes to chores and taking care of the wildlife here. There are more than coonie babies. There are turles [yes more than one these days], squirrels, rabbit, ferret, ferals, unwanted parakeets and a zebra finch, and of course, the guard dog. I am also a single mother trying to raise fine upstanding children. Tomorrow school starts in the Northwoods and my #1 volunteer helper baby girl will be in her senior year. She's taking three college courses this semester as well. President of Coleman's FFA Chapter, State FFA Honors Band, Marinette County Badger Girl and first flute in the Coleman High School Band.
Tommorrow school will also start for the dozen babies and juvies in Blarnia [my outbuilding]. They will get to move into the Coondo now and hopefully the CoonCam will be back online. I took it offline when it was tampered with and left it down as it was not good to have public viewing sick and dying creatures. It really was [and still is] unbearable to find I couldn't protect them on my own private property.
Some of you local citizens that read my blog should consider organizing a collection drive for baby blankets, paper towels, stuffed animals, toddler toys, things on the wish list that I have to purchase for these wildlife orphans. Baby raccoons need these for developing their sense of touch. In the wild they have trees and leaves, bark and moss. Help me help these creatures PLEASE. What I don't use here is distributed to wildlife rehabbers in all the states. Please help the LBA Maybe you can't hold these wild ones and feed them, but you can help them survive by donating your unwanted gently used items instead of giving them to Goodwill or throwing them away -- even just once is a big help!